Kaylee Taylor
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Teaching Philosphy

Why do I want to teach?

           After a severe diagnosis of scoliosis in sixth grade, I decided I wanted to become an orthopedic surgeon. In high school, I was always very determined, even when teachers did not have as much faith in me as I had in myself. I graduated at the top of my class and began the University of South Alabama as a pre med student. One morning after reading 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil,” I began to look at my real motives behind going into the medical field. I realized very quickly that I deeply disliked science classes and the only motive I could find besides helping others was money, and that is when it hit me – if I went on to pursue this career I would be like those teachers I had who had no faith in me, the ones who were just doing it as a job for money, not because they loved what they did.
            After praying about what field I should go into, I began to think about my high school years of working as a co op student in an elementary school. I loved every minute of it. I loved younger kids, I loved the atmosphere it brought with it, and I loved just simply making a kid smile. Thinking back I realized so many things that teachers I had did wrong. How they were quick to judge, they didn’t give an equal opportunity, and some were just simply pessimistic. I realized that I was not only able to see these things but I was willing to change these things. This is my first semester as an education student and I actually enjoy all of my classes. I love the teachers, my advisors, and more importantly I love the stuff I am learning and I am willing to learn. I am not looking for the easy way out. I hope that once I graduate I will be able to share with students my knowledge and my wisdom in a way that is fun, fair, and admirable.

Songfest Competition